
In my makeshift hospital, two soldiers lay. One young, one old. One grey, one blue.

“Them Yankees liberated me,” said the Union man, “they said I now had the privilege to fight for my freedom.” He chuckled, “I said ‘where you been the last hun’ed years? I done my fightin’ in these cotton fields.’”

“I joined this war for pa,” the boy in grey shed a tear, “now pa’s dead, an’ I don’t know why I’m fightin’ anymore.”

The man sighed, “seems we both stuck fightin’ another man’s war,”

They laughed together as grey and blue uniforms stained red.







Thanks to Charli Mills for hosting weekly flash fiction. check out her blog and join the fun with thousands of other writers. This week’s prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that heals America.

5 thoughts on “Stuck

  1. Great story about the soldiers wearing the Blue and the Grey, and their unexpected discovery of common ground. I also admire how well you crafted age, gender and culture without relying on descriptions. that’s good craft.


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